In response to your comments!

So this is not going to be a typical blog as I am used to of writing. This I am writing in response to all the messages I get on face book, all the tweets and also all the comments I get on medium…


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you have made me blind

and stripped me of my reality.

tireless hours spent trying to tame you

but i can not control you.

day by day and yet you are still here

waiting for me to come to bed.

right when i am alone

my thoughts come to haunt me.

through the night i toss and turn

through the night i hardly sleep

through the night i pray that it is over.

it doesn’t end there.

you follow me wherever i go.

i can not predict when you’ll attack

i can not run away from you

i can not say that it’s over.

you have stopped me from living.

the dreams i have once yearned for

are no longer dreams,

instead they are monsters,

waiting for my entrance in order to attack.

it has been a long, tireles journey.

yet you are still here

yet you will not leave me alone

yet you continue to ruin my life.

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