Yagna of Horses

In us are moored a hundred horses Unbridled and wild, charting their own courses.. “Yagna of Horses” is published by Mahesh CR in Inevitable Word.


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Would You Hire Yourself?

When one is authentically confident within themselves, and we in the personal development world know that confidence can only be truly honed as a result of remaining fiercely and staunchly committed to the perpetual and ongoing growth of self, in which to consistently achieve a lazor-focus mindset and an unwavering drive to remain steadfast on the path of relinquishing that which does not serve us, our mission, our purpose or our goals. When we choose to relinquish the dead weight, the negativity, the blocks, the toxicity and the counter-intuitive approaches, and instead choose to embrace focus, clarity, passions, intuitiveness, mentors, and all the yumminess in life, which stands to propel us at rocket-fuel speed on the trajectory of where it is we are truly meant to travel…then and only then can we aspire to ace anything and everything in life…in my humble opinion.

Deeply believing in the core of ones own self, believing in ones own capabilities, believing in ones own skill-sets, and non-negotiably believing in the vision one holds for themselves, while consistently excercising massive action every single day is a sure recipe for one successfully attracting abundance in their life. When what is required in order to accomplish incremental and monumental growth in ones life is derived out of habit-forming traits, solid mindset, and action-taking steps — it is universal law that one will be rewarded with continuous growth opportunities, personal and professional victories, and a succession of achieved milestones. When one declares what they want and what they envision for themselves and puts that conviction and energies out into the universe, it is inevitable that it shows up, and that you align with all you are truly meant to align with in your journey. I truly do believe that the universe has my back and that the universe is responding with resounding accuracy to what it is I put out into the world. I fundamentally understand and have been proven correct time and time again, that the way in which I choose to language, to dialogue with myself, with others, with the universe itself is in complete congruency and alignment with me choosing to honour myself. I do not deviate from this — EVER. I do not falter — EVER. I am not wishy-washy with my identified wants, needs, goals, visions, or ultimate purpose in life. I inherently understand that to do so is to go backwards in the wrong direction with where it is I actually know I am continually choosing to go in life and because I value myself, and because I know I am both worthy and deserving, and because I am forever committed to doing the work and putting in the time…the results show up. I also am not unique to this. There are others in addition to myself who choose to navigate and maneuver their lives in the very same vain I do and who can very much attest to this philosophically, spiritually, personally and professionally. In fact, every successful person who continues to only outperform themselves, up their own game in life, and who continues to exponentially elevate and rise will tell you that there is no coincidence to what they have manifested for themselves within their own journey.

I challenge anyone and everyone whose current lives do not reflect what they deeply envision for themselves, to go back to the drawing board of self, dig even deeper, have the conversation with self, be prepared to take some serious inventory, own your own bs, relinquish that which does not serve your highest purpose, embrace only that which does, and check back in with yourself after you choose to adopt the necessary new habits and mindset you will require in order to see a different set of outcomes manifest for you in your life…again, coupled with massive-action-taking! Are you not worth the invest of time and energy to see what may in fact materialize for you if you are truly committed to YOU? Of course you are, however, I cannot convince you of this nor is it my responsibility to do this for you. We each have to hold our own selves to the highest levels of personal accountability and responsibility in order to truly flourish and thrive. If one intrinsically values this gift we call life and understands the miracle and the privilege it is to actually be a part of this universe — crises, hardships, obstacles and all — then one will equally come to understand the tragedy and wastefulness that it is to not fully maximize their precious and fleeting time we have here on this planet to do something profoundly significant with the gifts bestowed upon each and every one of us. I truly believe this. Do you too, believe this? If you do in fact believe this and own this as your truth, do your actions match your thoughts? Do your results correspond with your efforts? Is your effort-making and action-taking truly measurable? Do you believe yourself worthy and deserving of greatness? Do you love yourself, value yourself, respect yourself, believe in yourself, honour yourself? If the answer to any of these vital and pivotal questions even whimpers a hint of a ‘no,’ then I please encourage you to dig deeper — please delve beneath the surface of your self and please make it a priority to figure out what you are subconsciously still holding onto which is keeping you submerged and playing small in your life. Please take stalk and do the necessary inventory of who and what occupies your time on a regular basis. Are the people you seek advice from living in their greatness or are they playing small right alongside you? Is your infrastructure of support/buddy systems propelling you in the desired direction of where it is you say you aspire to travel or is your infrastructure of so-called support, dragging you down and discouraging growth to occur? We are a bi-product of our environments and our relationships. Knowing this to be true, one must be prepared to put the microscope on all of it in order to shift necessary change. I encourage everyone to rock that apple cart as your well-being, livelihood, future, and self depends upon it. It really is that simple a concept. If the same-old-same-old has reached its expiration date for you once and for all, it is your responsibility to do something differently in order to achieve different results and outcomes in your life. Care enough about yourself to take that leap of faith — simply put…just step into it and do yourself the future favour of not delaying getting started for another minute, another day, another week, another month or another year. Do not assume you have an infinite amount of time in which to procrastinate. Chances are, if you are admittedly un-fulfilled and dis-satisfied in your life then this is an indication you have already procrastinated for far too long already. The choice is always yours and yours alone. As always, I am here to uplift you to fear less and to live more. I am here to share the wealth of what I know works. I am not here to commiserate, to participate in victimology, or to go down the rabbit-hole of excuses-making or problem-saturated enabling. I do not give myself permission to partake in any of that and certainly not as someone who is committed to being consciously awake, can I or will I, sign up for any of that with anyone else.

To reiterate, and to recap on how to ace life and any aspect of life, I implore you to get real with yourself about the truth of your state of mind, your relationship with yourself first and foremost before evaluating and discerning the relationships external to you. I implore you to assess the story you keep telling yourself, which is perhaps no longer serving you — in fact, to what degree are you willing to admit it is likely you who is sabotaging yourself either as a result of self-defeatist thoughts and inner-dialogue, and/or the counter-intuitive choices you perpetually are making for yourself? What needs to go, what needs to change and what needs to be incorporated into your life — the answers always exist within us. The truth resides in your inner voice we refer to as intuition. Call it gut-instinct, call it whatever — there is a reason why it is speaking to you even if only in the form of a quiet whisper. Quiet whispers eventually turn loud when consistently ignored and it shows up in the most un-favourable of ways if silenced — and it is in those instances and events in our lives we are meant to then face the music — to wake up and to finally start paying attention.Those un-favourable events in our lives of suppressing our inner, intuitive, instinctual voice is where we are presented with the intended lesson we are meant to take heed of — this is the loudness of your inner voice saying, “Please pay attention…NOW!” “Please wake up…NOW!” “Please stop doing this over and over again..NOW!” Learn to say no where and when you need to. Learn to say yes to anything that is healthily going to challenge you to grow and rise. Change your standards. Create, increase, and implement boundaries — people will only treat you how you let them. Last I knew, people were born people — not doormats. Disengage from anything negative — people, news, drama, gossip and re-engage your energies on anything and everything inspirational and positive — books, webinars, You-Tube videos, podcasts, blogs, articles. Get a mentor and be coachable! You choose to commit to what works, and adopt new habits into your life until they become second nature — watch how quickly your life begins to take off! Pay attention to how much lighter and brighter you intrinsically become! Do not be surprised when you ace that job interview!

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